Friday, 2 October 2015

Character and Narrative: Idea Development Part 2

Now that Oscar and I have had a bit of a discussion on the ideas and decided to go for the spider idea because we've changed some parts around and add a new character in the the story. The things that we've changed around is the environment because we wanted an outside environment so that we could model trees, grass and flowers, plus having an outside environment makes it more appealing to the eye and we can add wind for when the spider jumps down to the human.

The new character that we've added to the story is a inch worm, which motivates the spider to jump off of a tree branch. We've added the inch worm because it's a small timid creature which isn't scary at all, which makes it comical that it's telling/yelling the spider to "Just Do It!" We like the idea of the spider being intimidated by a smaller insect imitating Shia Labeouf.  We also thought about when the spider jumps down their web gets stuck onto the tree so the spider bounces around just above the humans head flailing around.

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