After looking back at are ideas we had a bit of a thing and narrowed it down to two of the ideas I mentioned in the last blog post. We did this because some of the ideas we had were to difficult to design in maya or the movements for the ideas would of been too much for us to do i.e. the fight scene, jumping off things and colliding etc. Plus the environment would of been complicated to make like the space idea or the hooded rivals because we would of had to design and model a street or space and planets.
The two ideas Oscar and I stuck with where the spider jumping off of a ledge and the pet vs pet, this meant we had one from each title (Leap of Faith and Rivals) so we could be more creative in each of the ideas we had.
Leap of Faith- Idea
Starts off with a spider crawling around in the dark, when suddenly the light turns on and the spider is in fear and spreads its legs apart. The light turns off so the spider is relieved, so it starts making its way towards the edge to see what's going on down below. The spider sees a mysterious figure sitting down, the spider is curios and wants to see the mysterious figure close up but its afraid. the spider builds up the confidence and leaps off the edge towards the figure, however realises the figure is actually a human and starts to panic and flail about. The human sees the spider and starts screaming and jumps of the toilet and tries to squat the spider whiles running away.
Pet vs Pet- Idea
There are to pet animals, one of the animals is playing with a toy and having a good time, where as the other animal is sat opposite envious of other animals toy. whiles the animal with the toy is distracted the other envious animal is coming up with a over the top complicated plan to try and capture the toy and play with it. When the animal finally gets the toy the animal realises how stupid the toy is and how the animal is not entertained and throughs it away. The other animal at this point gets the toy back and starts playing with it, this makes the other animal envious again and so it starts all over again.
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