Thursday, 12 November 2015

Character and Narrative: Connecting Controles to the Skeleton

Now that the orientation had been done I then had to connect the skeleton to the controllers so that I could manipulate the skeleton to move about. To do this I had to constrain the skeleton/joints to the controls however some joints had to be constrained differently because for example the eyes had to use a aim constraint to the controller so that when you translate the controller around the eye would follow. Another example of a different constraint that I had to use was a parent constrain which just parents the joint to the controller and I had to use that for the root joint so that the controller could move the whole skeleton.

This to me was easy enough to do and simple enough to follow because it's just connecting one thing to another. In the pictures below show me showing you me manipulating the root controller by moving it down a bit which moves the the joints down but keeps the legs where they are.    

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