Thursday, 12 November 2015

Character and Narrative: Binding The Skeleton To The Mesh / And Influencing The Weights

Binding the skeleton to the mesh was the next thing to do which sounds easier that in looks because after you bind the skeleton you then have to paint the mesh which influences the weight/vertices so that when you move the leg for instance the other vertices on the leg next to it don't move around as well. 

Binding itself was alright because you just select the joints you want it influence the mesh and that go to smooth bind on the tool bar and sort some settings out and then press bind. However painting the mesh was harder than it seems because you have to paint every single joint and sometimes you can get confused on what joint you're painting on.

Overall I found this quiet difficult to get my head around to start with but once I got in the groove I was alright but some joints I still need to mess with so that when the spider is moving it looks some what norman. 

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