Friday, 15 May 2015

E4 Ident Stop Motion Animation: More Editing

Now knowing what I need to do to fix the last problems I could now apply them to the footage. All I needed to do was add an effect in After Effects called Stabilise camera, this would stop the shakiness of the camera but I couldn't used a lot of the effect because it would cut off some of the footage when stabilising. the other problem was that the movements in the stop animation was a bit to fast for my liking, so what I did was I went on the footage time line in After Effects and right clicked and went to stretch timeline, what this did was slow the footage down but it also made the footage longer which I didn't want. Realising this I went through my footage finding bits that I could cut out of if to make room because the footage could only be ten seconds long, I did manage to do this and now the footage is looking good.

Next was to add the sound, now knowing E4 most of there idents are comical so what I wanted to do was add comical sound effects to the stop animation. Seen as though the character I used want Indiana Jones I imported the Indiana Jones theme music into the composition, but then I wanted to add in the Inception sound effect, which will notify the big rolling rock coming towards Indiana hen he picks up the E4 logo. I also wanted to add the famous Wilhelm scream for comedic effect, plus its for when Indiana Jones is running away from the rock.

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