Tuesday, 19 May 2015

BBC 4 Research

Again looking at some BBC 4 ident animations really helped because it got me to see BBC 4's style and how they do there idents. Most of the idents I've watched seemed similar in there style by just using four pieces of footage and putting them together and then messing around with some effects. Some of the other idents I've watched were 3D animations which is what I wanted to do for my ident animation.
These Idents were cool to look at and I've got an idea of how I could of done something like this because I did something like this last year, however I wanted to do something with more animation in there and that would teach me more skills throughout the process of creating the animation.
I also found this animation that BBC 4 had done for there anniversary, which was a 3D animation so I like the style of this animation because I really want to go into 3D animation. I want to try and do something like this but simpler by have footage of the programs on BBC 4 in boxes and have the camera pan through them.

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