Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Extended Practice: Final Crit / Test Edit

For the final crit I had to show my animation to my peers at Uni, this was so that they could get a better understanding of the animation and so that they could see how far I've progressed with my project. However, at this stage I'm still rendering off my animation so I didn't really have any final work to show. So what I did was I edited together a wire frames playblast of my animation so that people could see how the animation would feel, what shots I was going to use and how the animation fitted with the music that Georgie produced for me.

The test edit was just a updated version of the animatic but with more animation and it demonstrated how the particles were going to flow off of the characters. This wasn't a final edit of what the animation would be.

During the final crit I didn't really get much feedback on the test edit and what people thought of it, the only thing that was said was that the images that I also showed were a bit dark, I explained that they were dark because I had to do some colour correcting on them in Post-production. So with this information I gather that most people liked what they saw or they couldn't be bothered to give me any feedback.

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