Now that I had all the data sorted out and I had placed everything together, it was now time to start placing the data onto the characters. This was simple enough to do, I did this by using human Ik in Maya and then creating character definitions, meaning that I went through the skeletons in of the character and assigning the right joint to the matching joint in the human IK window. This allows Maya to know how the characters will mirror the motion capture data onto the skeleton.
As you can see by the characters in the video below some of the arms and legs go into one another, which isn't good. This'll mean that I'll have to manually go into the graph editor and move some keyframes around so that this doesn't happen. Doing this shouldn't take too long, but that part where the characters go through the floor might take some time cleaning up because I'll have to reposition the characters so that they're not going through the floor.
Overall I think the motion capture data has transferred well across to the characters and most of the movements are smooth. There obviously are some amendments that I'll have to deal with like placing head and hands movements into the animation because if I don't it will make the whole thing off putting to watch and just distract views from what is really meant to be happening in the animation. The hands will be simple enough to animate, all I'll have to do is place a controller on the hands, which manipulates the fingers to bend, and for the head I'll just have to keyframe some movements so that the head isn't focused in one position.
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