Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Extended Practice: IPI Motion Capture Software

I'm at the stage to start production now, so this mean its motion capture time. There were two ways in which I was going to capture the performance, the first way involved my tutor Mat and I going to Sheffield Hallam Uni and using there Motion Capture facilities where you use a suit with the dots on and have all the cameras round you capturing the performance. The second way involved me having two xbox kinects and a laptop with the IPI motion capture software installed on it, and someone standing in the middle of the kinects performing and capturing it that way.
In the end I ended up using the second option with the IPI software because unfortunately the facilities in Sheffield Hallam Uni was fully booked until April, which would be too late for me to start capturing then.

The IPI software is used by having one or two xbox kinects, at a 90 degrees angle, pointed at a performer so it can capture the performance using infrared tracking and depth perception. The IPI software is an easy to use motion capture program which offers a 30 day free trial (which I used) so that you can have a taste of the capabilities that the IPI software can product. Using the IPI Software wasn't too hard to do, the only thing I had difficulty doing was the calibration of the scene before you start capturing the performance. This was because of many things like the lighting wouldn't be right, the board used for calibration was either too small or too see-through or just the software couldn't capture the board properly.


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