Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Animated Documentary: Scene 6

In this scene the baby Orangutan is being comforted by him mother, so I had to make the mother come in from the right which meant that I had to do some kind of walk cycle fro the mother orangutan. What I did was, I went on to the internet and found some footages of orangutan waking around and figured out that all I needed to do was make the mothers arms come in and place them down and have the rest of her body swing in after the arms because that's how they walk around. With the baby orangutan I just created him in photoshop and put his limbs onto different layers so that I can use the puppet pin tool again in after effects.

For the background I again used the same background from scene four and five but I changed it by scaling it up so that it looks like it is a close in shot of the environment. What I like about this scene is the mother coming in because I feel like the movement does represent an orangutan walking in and it is quite smooth looking. Although I'm not liking the way that the baby orangutan is stationary at the beginning of the scene but if I could change it I don't really know how different I would make it to the original shot.

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