Sunday, 3 April 2016

Animated Documentary: More Scenes

The next scene that I did was the part where the father orangutang is playing with the child orangutang but then the father gets tired and falls to sleep. With this I made the father orangutang pick up the child and throw him up in the air and catch him again. I animated this scene in Photoshop and its about 5-6 seconds long, this took longer than the last scene because there was more to animate and I tried to have the orangutang turn 45 degrees at the beginning to add a bit of something to the scene.

I've only done half of this scene so far because I'm not to sure on what I'm going to do at the part where I mention my father falls asleep. I've got different ideas about how I'm going to execute that part of the animation but for now I'm just going to leave it.

I've not finished this scene yet because I still need to add in the fingers and the last part of the scene, however I feel like it needs to be tweaked in After Effects when all the animation part is done. I like all the movements in the animation, yes the movements they gutter a bit but thats in the style of the animation. However, I'm not to keen on the faces I gave them but I'm not to sure why but it might be the fact that I've been staring at it too long, I don't know but I'll ask for someones opinion soon about it.    

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