Doing this stop motion animation was time consuming because I had to buy a load of newspapers to begin with and then sit through them and find peoples faces that I thought would be good for the animation. I tried to get peoples faces on a side portrait view because that is what the other two are doing in there animations but it's hard to find people in magazines that are looking side on, so I just went with front on profile view. I started with cutting out people faces in the newspapers and then when I thought I had a decent amount of faces I then cut into the faces and separated the facial features so that I could combine them together in my animation but mixing them up at the same time.
For the actual animation itself I used my Samsung NX30 camera to film with, my desk at home to animate on and used my tripod with my iphone sellotaped to it with the torch on as my lighting for the animation, so it was a very low budgeted production. The stop motion animation didn't really take that long to film because my time limit was 15 seconds and I was shooting at 12fps so I only had to take 180 shots which in the animation industry isn't that much.
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