Thursday, 25 February 2016

Responsive: 11 Second Club - Development

I went on to the 11 second club website and downloaded a rig called 'MAX', which was created by Peter Starostin and James Hunt. Once I downloaded the rig I went on to Maya and messed around with some of the controls just so that I could get use to the model and figure out what I can and can't do with it. After I did that I then decided to try and do some lip sinking because thats what I'll be doing for the 11 second club's animation. I found it quite difficult at first because of the timing because the people speaking in the audio clip speak quite fast.

In the video above I feel like its getting there but not quite right yet because the lips slit move slower then the audio and I still need to work out some of the controllers on the face and mouth. However, I do like how it looks for now and I'm picking up the controls on the model quite fast.  

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