Monday, 18 January 2016

Animation Documentary: Sound Booth Recording

With the audio Molly and I thought it would be a good idea to book out the sound booth at uni so that the quality are audio sounded professional and that the sound did not have any back ground noise in it. Recording the stories in the sound booth took about two hours to do because we had to keep going over what we wanted to say either because we stumbled on are words or that we had to shorted what we where saying because it was going over a minute each. I found it hard to speak out loud when I was telling my story because it a hard subject for me to talk about so I kept stuttering and messing up on what I was talking about, it was also hard for me not to choke up.

The timing was hard as well to keep to because we kept breaking inbetween sentences so that we had a second to think of what we wanted to say next but breaking means wasting time not saying anything, which is not a good thing but I can always cut them out when I edit the audio later on. We also had to cut bits out of what we wanted to say because we where taking too long top say it and it wasn't that relevant to the story anyways.

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