Now that Oscar and I have done all of the animating for the scenes we decided to play balst them all and then put the play blasts into premier to see what they'd look like when the scenes are all together. Oscar did this on his laptop and he got all my scenes from google drive, this meant that I didn't have to go out of my way messing with my files scene.
We look through the whole animation and we thought it was looking good so instead of us criting it ourselves Oscar got Matt are tutor to crit it so we could get feedback on the animation. Matt send that some of the camera shots were unnecessary and that it distracts the audience from the scene, and he also said that in some scenes that animation could be better, for instance in scene 17 the spider has jumped off and is now grabbing onto the grass, Matt said that there could be more bounce in the spiders web for when it approaches the piece of grass. We took Matt feedback and we decided to change a couple of movements and camera shots so that the camera is more still than before.
The video below is the same one as Matt saw so it has not been changed yet but we will be making the changes and I will blog another video go it when its done.
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